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Kashani Hospital of Isfahan

Kashani Hospital:

This hospital is based on a sense of responsibility towards the health of the community and relying on the axes of the clinical governance system and using national and international standards with experienced and committed medical, nursing and paramedical staff as the most well-known trauma center in Isfahan province, the best and provides the most effective diagnostic and treatment services to patients and clients, especially those injured in traffic accidents and trauma patients in the shortest possible time. Introduction of hospital departments: Emergency Department, Pharmacy Unit, Clinical Laboratory, Pathology Laboratory, Specialized and Subspecialized Clinic, Dialysis, Forensic Medicine, Medical Equipment, Supplies, Infection Control Unit, Handling Complaints, Labor, Nasim Mehr Office, Human Resources Department, Security, Accounting, The services are health information and records unit, quality improvement office, patient safety and public relations unit, which all play a specialized and advanced role with the support of other departments in order to provide optimal services to patients and respected clients.

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