Behyaar Sanaat Sepahan knowledge base collection:
In order to strengthen the flow of science and technology in the country, Behyaar Sanaat Sepahan knowledge base considers its mission to provide the technology environment and ecosystem in the country. In this ecosystem, economic efficiency is not the first priority. Rather, solving the country's technological problems is prioritized and the efforts of the elite forces are directed in this direction. In this regard, by creating a new look to knowledge base, technology, business, engineering, system and employment, it has tried to strengthen this trend. Today, the solution of the country's key issues in various fields goes through the path of internalization and attention to internal power, and the knowledge-based ecosystem can literally be the flagship of this path, for example, we can mention the solution of the problem of lack of radiation therapy devices for cancer treatment and the problem of repairs and maintenance of these devices which due to the complete localization of this device and its peripheral equipment by Behyaar Sanaat group, a big step was taken in the direction of solving the cancer problem in the country. The honor of solving the country's problems by the knowledge base of Behyaar Sanaat is not only limited to the field of radiotherapy and today includes a wide range of the country's technological problems such as air and space, telecommunications, transportation, energy, smuggling control, etc.