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Health service

Health service

In Iran, a wide range of healthcare services is available, including medical care, treatments, and preventive services. Healthcare is a priority for the Iranian government, with both public and private hospitals and healthcare centers offering quality services.

Healthcare services in Iran include:

Primary Care: This includes general medical consultations, routine tests such as blood tests and urinalysis, and providing dietary and healthy lifestyle advice.

Medical Treatments: Iran offers treatment services for various health conditions, both chronic and acute, including general and specialized surgeries.

Preventive Medicine: This includes vaccinations, early disease screenings such as breast cancer screenings and other cancer screenings, and health awareness programs.

Dental Care: Dental services in Iran include teeth cleaning, cavity treatments, dental implants, and cosmetic dental procedures.

Mental Health: There are services for mental health in the form of consultations and treatment for various psychological and mental disorders.

Additionally, the Iranian government strives to provide high-quality medical services at reasonable prices for citizens. It also encourages investments in the healthcare sector to improve healthcare infrastructure and provide more services to the society.



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